Friends of Rodeph Sholom School
Annual Report 2022–2023
Dear Rodeph Sholom School Community,
I am filled with gratitude for this community–one that has taught me so much about tikkun olam and the many ways that it can be manifested through acts of dedicated care, big and small.
During what felt like unbearable darkness at times, the proximity and access to our clergy was a constant source of comfort, standing beside us as spiritual leaders and also as fellow parents, educators, and colleagues. When Jewish families fled Israel in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas terror attacks, our parents and students shone a light for the School to provide solace and stability for dozens of displaced families, an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. As silence echoed in the halls of other institutions, the tireless efforts at Rodeph Sholom were soon uplifted by regional, national, and global organizations amplifying Jewish solidarity.
The clarity of our communal response has sparked a renewed appreciation for the Reform Jewish education the School has offered for 54 years. We heard from alumni near and far about the importance of Rodeph Sholom School as a pillar of their Jewish upbringing. And with each update we issued, our School leaders received affirmation from members of our community expressing pride and profound gratitude for the ways in which we were willing to meet the moment.
Families seeking to deepen a connection to their Jewish heritage are increasingly interested in a school like ours that refuses to pause in fear and instead chooses to lean into cultivating our Jewish identity with even greater intention. In fact, our purpose has only come into sharper focus: to instill pride in our students and prepare them to respond to difficult situations they will encounter throughout their lives, especially in the face of rising antisemitism.
Though it feels like many lifetimes ago now, it is worth reminding ourselves that we began this Year of Chai – triple chai! – with the unveiling of two new spaces made possible through the generosity of current and alumni families who understand the commitment required to safeguard our special corner of the world. We acknowledge the immense privilege of being a Jewish organization that is able to extend our hand to other Jews in need–whether in times of crisis or as an unfortunate result of declining enrollment trends in the city. Today, when religious and cultural diversity is both a strength and a source of potential tensions, it is crucial to protect institutions like Rodeph Sholom School that are so vital to our ability to engage joyfully in Jewish life.
Please join me in recognizing our community of donors from the 2022-2023 year as we once again exceeded a 90% current parent participation rate in giving. The philanthropic support reflected in the Report of Gifts fuels our ability to fulfill our mission more completely, and I hope you are inspired to renew your own commitment to the School at a level that is personally meaningful to your family.
Meanwhile, I look forward to commemorating the 54th anniversary of Rodeph Sholom School together in the new year with special events and opportunities. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and shared sense of responsibility towards the emerging Jewish leaders under our care.
Leslie Kuo
Director of Development

Why every gift is important
Since its inception 54 years ago, Rodeph Sholom School has been proud to have a strong culture of philanthropy. Our teachers and staff are invaluable in guiding our students through their early lives and adolescence, and our families and friends offer tremendous support, year after year, to make that work possible and to help our programs thrive.
Rodeph Sholom School’s operating budget relies on contributions to the Annual Fund. Your gift has a direct impact on all aspects of school life, including teacher salaries, library books, science equipment, and keeping our buildings and students safe. Your commitment to the Annual Fund allows our school to raise and educate strong, confident, Jewish leaders ready to face a complex world.
Your participation sets a tradition of giving and supports the next generation of Rodeph Sholom School students while it positively impacts every current student, every day.
Thank you!
“As Jewish parents, there is nothing more important right now than instilling a joy and pride in being Jewish, and there is no place more equipped to do this than Rodeph Sholom School. It is important for us to give to the institutions that share our values and shape the future generations. We are proud to be Rodeph Sholom Parents and proud of how this school has stepped up for its faculty, students, and families both in our own community, and beyond. The school gives so much, that it’s important that we show up for the school and give back in return.” – Ellie and Matthew Davis P’34